Who is Who... sort of

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


I believe their motto is "Keep Portland Weird". We had to get the van looked at. The diagnosis was: "Probably safe to drive, but get it to a (brand) dealer soon." I got to meet a cousin that I haven't seen since I was a pre-schooler. We all had lunch at a delicious Chicken Biscuit place. Ruby got to visit a friend. Then we hiked to a waterfall. Originally, the voice on the map said it was five minutes away. But Apple maps butted in... and we wound up in Washington state at a tiny city park that had a small fall. it was a beautiful drive, a fun hike. But never trust Apple! Supper was tacos, where we discovered my cumin was missing from the spice box. There was much lamenting. Cold water showers were taken in the camper, as all that the camp shower did was eat quarters for zero water. Ty very carefully examined every breaker and fuse... but was unable to "fix" the water heater. As we packed to leave this morning, Nickole and Kimber were closing the trailer slide out... and saw the main power panel switches clearly labeled "Water Heater". Feel free to laugh as hard as we did!

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Who's Who... sort of

Tammy  I'm Tammy. My daughter and co-conspirator on this trip is Becky. Becky Ruby Daniel Jasher (4.1) Dakota (3.3) Katie (3.5) Grace (3...