Who is Who... sort of

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Setting Down (Shallow) Roots


This is a mix of photos  from the past few days.  We traveled through Craters of The Moon area. Tyrel met a Deputy Sheriff's of Picabo, Idaho. 

Katie did a swim hair-do. Ruby self-documents our stops, puts together fun little  video collages on her Facebook page. 

And we crossed paths with Daniel! None of us had planned to be in a major tourist area on a holiday weekend.  We found the last camp site in the region (according to our camp host). 

While Becky and Ruby got our camp set up, made supper, and got the troop ready for bed, I drove half an hour  to get Daniel. He had been unable to se ure a camp for the night. It was a great little catch-up. Daniel  was quickly  satisfied with society, and quite ready to get on the road when we dropped him off where I had picked him up. Our paths diverged, with us heading in the direction  Dan has just covered.

Tonight, we will set up a base camp for three nights, making day trips several hours away.  It's  easier than dragging the camper along, plus we have beds set up for when we get back, so we don't need to cut our day trips too short. 

May days be as blessed as ours!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for updates and pictures.Happy you were able to get a visit with Dan..Ha e fun on your day visits. Bugs an squishes!!!


Who's Who... sort of

Tammy  I'm Tammy. My daughter and co-conspirator on this trip is Becky. Becky Ruby Daniel Jasher (4.1) Dakota (3.3) Katie (3.5) Grace (3...