Who is Who... sort of

Monday, September 5, 2022


 The Best Laid plans... and all that!

We started our morning  by oversleeping. At least we tent campers did. The trailer group set an alarm. (Becky and I have both been up by 6 at the very latest... until today. We were awakened at almost 7:30.) Breakfast was eaten. Lunch packed. Supper put into the crock pot, to await us on our return. We set forth... to discover one kid kept hiking in broken down mocs because they were all she had, other than flip flops. (We have been shopping with terrible frequency  for more than 2 weeks  now. We have purchased  at LEAST 3 pairs of shoes. Said child never once mentioned  a lack of proper  footwear. )

The trip into the store didn't  take long. But, our camp is some 80 miles from Yellowstone.  The kids were "starving" by the time we entered the park. One of our MUST SEE! things was Old Faithful.  A bathroom break, and a couple of beautiful  side stops ( with boardwalk hikes) put us at Old Faithful by a few minutes  past 2 pm. The eruption was supposed to be about 2:

40, give or take 15 minutes. 

We slapped  together  sandwiches  on a picnic blanket  next to the van in the parking lot. Hurried  the kids to the bathroom, then the geyser. Becky kept the kids together as I stopped to assist  an elderly  trio. Well, asked if I could assist.  I stood with the 87 year old mother, and 91 year old father as the daughter hurried back to lock their car. We talked until the eruption. I tried to stand guard just a bit, as thoughtless tourists all but trampled the  folk. They are on a 5 week tour of America, visiting family roots and genealogical  connections as a birthday  gift to the Dad.

We had several beautiful  stops. A few of the kids were fascinated by the science of Yellowstone. They were not rushed as we spoke to Rangers and read informative plaques. For other kids, the park was " stinky boiling mud, and more trees!" Their highlight was the gift shops.

We hiked to the brink of the Lower Falls. Becky is training for a Spartan race,  so ran back up the STEEEEEP path, then on the rim trail to the brink of the Upper Falls. The kids went ahead of me. Ruby and Ty kept a laconic pace that was too much for me. ( I did say steep, didn't  I?) Little Katie stayed  right with me. We were 6/10ths back up the eyebrow switchbacks... when a guy called out to us that Katie was doing far better on the ascent than he was doing on the descent! I saw his shirt and had to jibe back at him.... "That's  because you're  from Michigan! .... O-H!"... "We laughed and moved on. (If anyone reading is unaware... Michigan and Ohio State Universities are arch rivals. Ribbing is required at any opportunity.)

We discovered the drive from Lower Falls parking to Upper Falls Parking is not close. Not even remotely close. Becky was to the Upper Falls  long before us. We had intended to be at a meadow in the N.E. part of the park by dusk... Bear, wolves, elk and other wildlife frequent the meadow. We pulled in to a parking lot at the kiss of dark... still too far from o intended meadow! Because we saw many people looking at something.  A mama bear and two cubs. I  only  saw Mama, far down the steep hillside. We didn't  make our meadow! It was part dark when we started back. Pretzels and tortilla chips were handed our as snacks as we began the loooong  journey back to camp. Kids were sleeping, wanting only a bathroom before falling  into beds. (Cots!) I put the delicious smelling roast beef into the fridge. So much for a hot dinner on our return to camp. We were willing to feed the kids a burger... hot dog... gas station fare.... but there was NOTHING available. They will be ravenous  in the morning. 


  1. Great pics. Thanks. Yellowstone quite spectacular, huh? Love to all


Who's Who... sort of

Tammy  I'm Tammy. My daughter and co-conspirator on this trip is Becky. Becky Ruby Daniel Jasher (4.1) Dakota (3.3) Katie (3.5) Grace (3...